Monday, September 27, 2010
Miss me?? 0_o
Fuh lama tak update blog. Been really busy with assignments and events. Boleh dikatakan everyday lepas cuti raya kerja kerja nonstop.. Penat woo.. Now I'm blogging at Adventist Hospital Penang. I'm hospitalised due to growth of infection on my back. Met Doc this morning and he said it needs to be removed to kami apa lagi, ON ja la dengan procedurenya. Sangat scary! Operation is in few hours but bilik tak siap siap lagi! I need to rest my mind now!
Monday, August 23, 2010
I can't take back what I've said or undo what I've done. But the only thing I can do now is to apologize. Sorry for everything. I know things will never be the same but both of us need to realize that both of us are the foundation of a good friendship. What else can I do to make this better?
p/s : I miss the old us :(
Sunday, August 22, 2010
hari sakit-sakit sedunia..
Semalam 1st time sakit kepala tahap chronic! Buat apa saja sure sakit kepala. Dari bangun pagi sampai nak tidor malam sakit.. Hari ni tak sakit kepala dah tapi sakit tekak and telinga.. :(
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Positive Day suddenly.. :)
I'm trying to be strong. Getting rid all the negative feelings in me. I'm doing this ensure my future with friends will become normal like we used to during 1st semester. Hoping until i see the results. The ones that can't change, I don't give a damn but the ones that will change and make effort to change, I'll love them forever. Up to this moment, I sensing some positive changes in one of my friends. Hope it'll keep on improving and the level of changes increase. The most important thing now is that, I'm going back home this Friday! Not gonna hang out here in Mainland :D Island people, do u miss me?? :) That's all for now, gonna get ready for meeting -> class hunt -> serving class!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I can't stand this anymore :(
I want to travel back and forth from my house to campus. I don't wanna stay here in Seberang. Every minute i feel like smacking someone's head and furthermore, I don't feel appreciated after what I've done here. People start to be selfish, back stabbing and use me for their own benefits. They call for my help whenever they're in trouble or need to do something. But when they don't, they'll act as if I'm not there. Is this they way friends should act? Is this the way friends should treat their friend? I may not be the most perfect person living here but at least i don't take advantage of people, i don't blame people for my own mistakes and i don't boss people around unless the situation ask me too. I feel as if I don't have friends here. Luckily Faizal and my seniors are with me. I don't feel the sameway like what i felt about my friends during 1st semester. Now they're different! It's better if i just transfer to other campus or to another college, KDU!
Before registering to UiTM, me and my family were discussing of signing me in to KDU for Culinary Arts programme but turns out, i was offered Hotel Management by UiTM so to make things easy and to safe cost, I registered myself in UiTM and that's the beginning of suffer.
1st semester : happy, friends are happy. Life is everything. Enjoying every moment of my life in UiTM.
2nd semester : problems start. Assignment, friends sulking and beginning to be selfish.
3rd semester : I think this semester is the worst! I hate it now.. I don't think i can go on. I'm not strong enough to face this alone. I have to make decisions..
4th,5th semester : not sure what's gonna happen next. Hope it'll be better and friends will act like a friend should act *hoping*
6th semester : luckily I'm out for internship :D
Decisions i have to make : 1. whether or not to discuss my problems with my friends or not
2. I should move out? Travel back and forth from home to campus?
or just remain where I'am now??
Pretty tough ones, I know! Considering all my housemates which are also my classmates of what they're gonna say if I move out. How am i going to explain everything? Why growing up is hard? I need a break from all this.
Mak & Bapak, take me to Bali to calm my mind down please :(
p/s : FML!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Orang Lupa Diri
Bila nak something baru nak buat baik kan?? Apasai perangai nak kena macam tu?? Is that what we call friends? Kalau dia yang kena responsible dan2 nak awal la buat baik la apa la, tapi bila bukan dia yang kena responsible? TAIK!! Lambat tu memang hobi, kurang ajar memang wajib, tak respect tu.... what goes around comes around (karma).. take note people! sapa terasa better change your attitude before it's too late. I'm not saying i'm the best or anything but at least i have respect for others and for myself. THINK!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hello Puasa!
Today is the first day of puasa for this year. It's been great so far but yesterday was hell. I felt like i was really in Hell's kitchen with Chef Ramsay, since yesterday was kitchen class and our lecturer was furious! Because of one mistake made by a group member, everyone else's work was jeopardized. Everyone were scolded and not in the mood at that time. But after that, mood came back. Chef was feeling better and smiled. So things went back to usual and no more stress. Now I'm thinking what to eat for buka puasa later. I need to budget myself! Bulan puasa is all about budget :p like seriously!
Monday, August 9, 2010
it's all about WHY??
lesson should be learnt! why can't people respect those that have helped you a lot? ease your burden? why people have to be so disrespectful? why there's still humans with this kind of attitude?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
wwwuuuuhhhhuuu otak serabut... study insyaAllah OK but other activities yang kasi otak serabut. I'm a project manager for two activities from two different clubs and without me realizing this, both my programs will happen in the same week. 1st program is for HATSS and it will be held on 21-23 of september whereas 2nd activity will be on 24-26 of september and this is under Entrepreneurship club. Now all i can do is to change the date for my 1st program to either only 21st of september or 21-22 of september. Now i have to discuss with my subordinates. Hope everything will go as plan. Pray for me and wish me luck people.. *i need it*
Monday, August 2, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
who think that being in a relationship with your classmate is complicated? who think otherwise? comment and give reason for your answer. I'm not talking about me. I'm curious about all these. Want opinion.. Thanks and appreciate much.. kisses :D
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
sangat stress bila surrounded with amateurs! They just can't change themselves. They can't be considerate! It's a shame to those people. I wonder where do they come from? Mars? Pluto? One word, NARROW-MINDED! Besides that, is it hard to help other people when they need one? I think I've sacrifice everything to help them but they can't return the favor. Is it? is it? I all ways wish that i can hit their head against the wall but I still love them.
friends or strangers!?
kawan ka lawan? aku nie kalau betol-betol la benda nie jadi, dah lama aku mati sebab rasa macam ramai ja yang tikam belakang aku for no reason. What i did wrong? These kind of people should not be living in this world. Depan nampak baik tapi belakang,elok punya dok perli aku, dok kutok aku kat orang lain. Regret knowing you backstabbers!
Monday, July 26, 2010
I don't think i can juggle anymore :( It's too depressing! It's a huge responsible for me as a representative for my class. I want to go home. Too tired with my schedule and i need time off. Seriously, I'm tired! I can go mad if these things go on for the rest of my life.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Boring tahap gaban!
Petang nie ada meeting Entrepreneurship club and aku kena present proposal yang aku dah buat. It's going to be hard since I haven't checked with any resorts for the accommodations and what activity we'll be doing there. Now i need to settle my account assignment given yesterday 1st, then off to my proposal planning then tomorrow if God wills, I'm going to Teluk Intan with Faizal and to Teluk Batik to survey all the activities that can be done there and accommodations and stuff. This is only it for now, will update more in future. Thanks for reading people. Aaahhhh i forgot, my presentation was REJECTED due to lack of points and sentences are too long for an outline. Will present again on next Monday.
My Thursday
Today(Thursday) I have 3 classes. 2 classes at Perda and one is at campus.. The one that is at campus was Serving practical class and now it's 12.40am(Friday) and i just arrived home around 20minutes ago!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Crap Articles Search!
Found a bunch of articles past few days but some can be used and some can't. Now,me & Faizal are browsing thru the net again trying to find more articles about obesity, the cause of obesity in malaysia to be specific. The criteria for the articles are, it has to have title, date of the article produced or published and author of the article and not in point form. Until now, I manage to find articles that have only title, date and author. Why is it hard to find the correct articles? I want this presentation to be done by tonight and I have doubt about it :(
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hell's Kitchen
Me,Hisyam & Harith just arrived home from our 'Hell's Kitchen'! It was tiring 0_o Now,waiting for my other housemate, Faizal, to continue with our English presentation which we're not sure whether we'll be presenting tomorrow or Friday but just to be prepared, we're going to complete the slide show by Thursday. After we're done with English slides presentation, we'll proceed with our f&b Accounting's homework,which we don't even understand how to do it :-\ How are we suppose to do if we don't understand? I'm not on the same page with my lecturer, he's too fast. Fast as in, he talks fast and he taught us in class like we're a bunch of robots with photographic memory with 32Gb memory card. Don't you think it's crazy? If we ask, he'll like
"kan saya dah cakap tadi, u kena buat macam nie then tambah dengan yang ini.."
tak syok dah nak tanya lepas tu :(
Tomorrow will be another day!
Hell of a Day!
This morning was ECO and HTH which means economic and f&b account. It was hell! Economic was confusing but f&b account was a bumpy road to hell 0_o I'm scared that I'll fail this paper with what color? Can i choose my own color? HAHAHA.. Tonight after kitchen practical class, me and Faizal need to complete two things, finish up my English slides for Thursday presentation and Account's homework which must hand in on Thursday. Now, all i want is food! I'm hungry! At 10.30am I had a slice of roti canai and that's it. I want at least bread X( I'm starving like hell here!
Monday, July 19, 2010
While Waiting for French Class
I'm waiting for my last class for today which is french. French is not easy! Hard to understand and hard to catch up. I hate French class but I love learning languages :D therefore, forced myself to attend all of Mr.Cheng's class. Yes, my French lecturer is chinese and also a teacher at Penang Free School teaching God knows what subject. Nowadays, UiTM is damn boring and life in UiTM is getting harder and what I call it in malay "meluat".. This is due to my tight schedule and I'm trying to juggle my time to fit in all my appointments and I'm trying to attend all meetings so that I won't miss anything. Like what have been said by my senior, Abg Iylia "at the end of 3rd semester,u can join the circus team as professional ball juggler because u had successfully juggle ur time during ur 3rd semester". Cool words always come from his mouths, such as "if no mistake being done, the world is too perfect! ".. kannn. Thanks Abg Iylia for all ur words that make me stronger in mind. How I wish everyone thinks like him and don't give up.. That's all for now :)
Please! Why things are getting more complicated? 3rd semester is making me wanna book a flight ticket and fly away to somewhere peaceful and come back when the semester ends! I just hate it. Everyone is busy with their work, assignments and all but if i can do it with less complains, why can't you? Giving up so soon just because of tight schedule? You'll regret it in future. Handle pressure professionally, deal it like an adult will deal. You'll be busier when u start working! I'm tired motivating people to finish up their work but in the end, I guess you're just not motivated. Done! Thanks! New chapter :-\
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Work-Out Day!
Work-out day kat FF with Shu & Sara! treadmill for 25minutes then off doing weights and all. Then, joined bodyvive work-out and it was awesome but hard to catch up for a first-timer like me :D Habis bodyvive, gym pun tutup and before chow, mandi dulu kat changing room yang sangat shantek!
YES I'm dieting but I still can eat. Whenever I say " I'm hungry ", people will say " diet adil! ". Gila pa diet tak makan. At least tanya la dulu whether aku dah makan ka belum and if dah makan baru la kata " diet adil ", tapi nie tak! If " I'm hungry " keluar ja teros kata diet, padahal aku tak makan apa-apa pun lagi. Tension! Yes i admit, i eat a lot, tapi i can enjoy eating too but i only have to control the intake of food la. Now I'm cutting down my intake of food into half and still they said it's a lot. Can't you people see that I'm trying my hardest here? Please understand my situation! yes it's a motivation and support but not until i can't eat at all. Please! sheesshh. Yea and one more thing, it's not like I don't exercise! I eat and I exercise, sometimes even more than u do and finally, doesn't mean that you're slim and slander doesn't mean that you're healthy!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Hell of a Day
Yesterday was a chaos. Why? After meeting with Ms.Emily(English lect) Faizal & I went back home then, I took the car to Celcom center in Seberang Jaya. Filled forms and got my Celcom simcard but still using Maxis until i receive a message from Celcom saying that the process of changing the service from Maxis to Celcom is successful, then i'll change to my new simcard. At 11.45am, myself, Faizal,Aina,Fify met Hisyam and Alida at campus for lunch at our Hotel UiTM. In the evening, rushed to Entrepreneurship Club's meeting then send Aina to jetty because she has to go back home in Shah Alam for some family matter. Next was suppose to send Alida to her aunt's house in Island but at that time i was late for my next meeting which i really need to be there, so I drop by at McD for that meeting 1st then only send Alida to her aunt's. Nad and Faizal followed me to send Alida. Dropped off Alida, we went to Gurney Drive for late supper as i haven't had my dinner yet. That was my freaking Friday!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I bathe for serving class and later will grab Gardenia bun on the way to class as my lunch. Haven't had a bite since last night's kebab daging bought by Faizal. Now everyone is getting ready for class and hope that we're not late for class this time. After class around 11pm-12pm(or am??) will continue with English article to present to our lecturer with Faizal because what we found was rejected. :( Darn! OK will blog later, gonna get myself dressed now(am wearing only boxer shorts and towel :P ) Blog later people :)
I Cut 2 Classes!
Today, i cut two classes because i was too tired. I can't even open my eyes when my friend wake me up. Then, i start to feel my body aching and headache. Continued my sleep and woke up at 12pm(am??). Texted my mum telling her that i cut two classes, so that she won't find out from other sources. Better know it from me rather than knowing from someone else. Now, I'm just waiting for 4pm's class to start, Serving class. Serving class is tiring and hard and the same time. Will continue blogging later.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Horrible + Happiness
1st day of kitchen operation for 3rd semester and it was a hell. Headache after class due to lack of water, hot weather and lot of things in mind that need to be done. I think i should hire a secretary to be with me all the time telling me what i should do and where I should be. I have a planner but I can't be 2 persons at once (the boss + the secretary). I don't know how my senior, Iylia Kamal (to be specific) do it, but he can really do lot of things at once and still manage to maintain his results,which is 3.5 and above every semester. I want to be like him! People are saying that i look like him, physically and he's a representative for his class, so do I. He organized a lot of events from 2 different clubs and so do i. This is why people,including the lecturers thought that we were brothers. Back to what i was talking, I need someone to be with me to organize my daily schedule AND, a driver! :D
Secondly, I want to thanks to my parents because they just bought me this..
BlackBerry 9700
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saturday Morning :)
Bangun pagi, gosok gigi, cuci muka,keluar jogging..
That's all i have in mind for now, so began my day at 7.45am. Got up and straight to toilet and do all those stuff i mentioned above. When i'm ready, Mr.Stomach is not feeling well and it needs me to pay a visit to Mr.Toilet. After I'm done, Faizal and I picked up Aina and Zameer and off we go to Mengkuang Dam which i linked to its website in my previous post. Jogged for almost an hour there and it's really a good thing to do to start up your day. I feel fresh after, but i don't quiet enjoy myself this morning because I'm having stomachache for the second time this morning. I don't feel like jogging even though i jogged and this is because i forced myself to do so for the sake of my mission to be successful. After jogging, the 4 of us went for light breakfast at kedai melayu in front of our apartment for roti canai. I had two pieces of roti canai and a glass of plain cold water. Later I'm going back to island because i made an appointment with FitnessFirst (FF) to collect my two-days free trial voucher. :D Will be heading to Island with Alida and I'm not sure whether Faizal wants to tag along or not cause he seems tired. Hope today will be a great day. That's all for now and will keep you posted. See you..
Friday, July 9, 2010
My Mission 0_o
Since 1st day of class, i start to minimize my intake of food, 2 meals per day, lunch and dinner. Breakfast memang tak sempat :p So basically now, if lapar pon I'll try to wait till either lunch time or dinner. Then now, I'm trying to make myself to go to Mengkuang Dam for a jog once or twice a week.

Other days, my friends and I will play badminton at nearest playground.

I'm doing this because i want to be fit and i'm preparing myself for Penang Bridge Run 2010. To make this successful, i have Faizal(housemate) as my exercise buddy, Alida & Marie & Aina(classmates) as my food-intake controller. This is not easy for me because there are some people are try to break my spirit in making this happen. Whenever i eat, they'll say "makan banyak2,kang gemok!" (padahal sikit kot dr selalu). Orang-orang nie la yang demotivate aku dalam nak kurus punya mission nie. Luckily i have these 4people with me. They support whatever i do and they don't give any sarcastic comments about my body. Thanks to u people. Now, i'm hoping that everyone will support me with my mission which is, 63kg.. :D That is the number i'm aiming for. I used to weigh that much but been gaining weight from time to time and now i'm not sure how much i weigh. So i think that's all for now, read my next post people :)
I want to run here!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Bloom Photo Uploader!
Installed BLOOM,a photo uploader for Facebook and it's really easy and fast. I'm happy that I've installed it cause i can upload all the photos that's been long kept in my folder. I'M HAPPY :D YEAY ME!
3rd semester :D
Including today, it has been 4days of so called non-stop class. Been tired with class and other activities lately. I don't even have time to wish people's birthdays on Facebook like i normally do. Apology for that my dearest friends :-| Books(textbooks), some i get it for free from my seniors and some i need to get it from the bookstore. Calculated the total amount i needed for books only, almost to rm150. Isn't it crazy asking students to buy expensive books when UiTM was suppose to be the university for the poor also? Even i'm saying it's expensive.. :p Now i'm in 3rd semester, as been told by seniors and lecturers, 3rd semester would be the real world of hell. Just by looking at my class' timetable has been said enough. class starts at 8am everyday and ends at 7pm on Monday, 10pm on Tuesday-Thursday and 10am on Friday but will continue the day with extra curriculum in the evening which starts at 5pm till 7pm. Darn! So far, assignments are on the way but haven't received the final topic from the lecturers. This semester also, i have to deal with some new subjects, such as Economics and Accounting and i don't even have basic in both subjects. That is the sign for me to struggle damn hard in order to maintain my results and CGPA. Hope everything goes smoothly and pray to God that 3rd semester will be good to me. :D Furthermore, i'm a committee in two clubs which is HATSS(Hotel and Tourism Students Society) and Entrepreneurship Club and up to this day, only HATSS' events have been approved by the administration and one of it is mine,which means i'll be the project manager. It's gonna be tough and rough for me this semester and i have to find time to relax and any point. Finally, hope everything will go smoothly.. *AMIN*
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Welcome Back :)
My blog has become lame day by day. I think i should post blog at least once a day. It's just that i don't know what to write about because somethings are meant to be kept and some are OK to be shared. Depends how then :D Frankly speaking, I do miss blogging. Sorry to my readers whom i don't know how many :p The reason why i haven't post any entry for the past few months is because i've been busy with final examination,my part-time job and been busy taking care of my late grandma who passed away two weeks ago. Al-Fatihah for her...(moment of silence). Now i'm blogging at my 'rumah bujang' as i'm already preparing for class to begin in few days. Packed up and drove myself in my friend's little chili which she named her red Kancil. :D *how cute* I think that all from me now, and insyaAllah i'll keep u people posted with updates whenever I'm free. Kinda miss people commenting my blog :)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Created a account..
do visit and ask me just about anything :)
i'm trying this because i've been hearing about it for quite sometime.
hope it's fun :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Satisfaction with a lil bit of depression
Done with English paper, that means 2 papers down and another 2 to go.
Darn I'm all out of greens. AGAIN!!
Darn I'm all out of greens. AGAIN!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wow lamanya tak post blog. Been busy with exams, paperworks and all. It's exam month now n I'm trying my hardest to get good results :) insyaAllah. Can't wait for semester break, applied at Brands Outlet for the second time as a sales assistance. Gonna work, earn money and gonna save it for sumsum that I've been wanting for so long. Buying that thing using my own money and no one can say anything about it. So back to my campus life, I'm having my final exam now till 8th of May. This semester, I'll be taking 4 papers for final exam all together and one is done and 3 to go. Wish me luck people for my 3 coming papers. Guess that's all for now. Till my next post people :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Nak Kuros!!
Read Aiman's blog, a friend of mine saying that he has loss a lot of kilos with his diet and tae bo thing. So by looking at what he's doing, i'm trying to motivate myself to lose my belly and 'two-girls'.. LOL. I hope everyone around me could help me with this. I'm not saying I'll start immediately or what, but I'm doing it. I need to lose weight and my belly. I'm gonna do what he did. AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
DILEMMA part 2
Went to Dungun. So that has said my decision. I went to Dungun and it was a blast. I loved it and met a lot of hoteliers from Dungun. Now, we the AJKs are trying to reorganize and raise up the fees for our club(HATSS). A few minutes ago, i got a message from Kak Shaz whom is my senior telling me that if I want to organize events for next semester, I have to submit proposals by 12th April. Now me and Marie trying to crack up our heads to get ideas what to do for next semester. OK gotta go, i want to crack my head open now. :) tata
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Now I'm getting annoyed with my busy schedule. I don't have time for myself and I haven't seen my 'home sweet home' about a month now. I miss home!! Tomorrow, there'll be a trip to UiTM Dungun and I'm going, but since the first meeting( 3days ago ), I felt like I don't want to join. Then got an offer to go for a Leadership Camping, i declined the invitation. I just don't feel like getting busy with clubs' activities anymore since Final Examination is near. Now, got another offer to emcee a welcoming ceremony for UiTM Sarawak students the same day where I'll be going to Dungun. Later tonight, i have a meeting regarding the trip to Dungun and I'll discuss this matter ( not going thinggie ) with the organizer and to meet the organizer for the emcee thinggie to decline the offer later after the first meeting. I just feel like going home now. i just want to go home badly. See how it goes in the next post. Hope I make the right decision. *AMIN*
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My Friendship is not for u to Gain benefits from OK?
Stop being a shit. U need my help, u're good to me but when u need nothing from me or when u're not under pressure u do shit to me. From now onwards, anything u ask for help, I won't do it for u. My friendship is not for u to gain benefits from. I'm getting stronger and tougher. Thanks to Alida and Acap for making me realize it. Thanks to u people. Now u know, don't mess with Adil Ridzuan.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I miss last semester (1st semester). People change and life gets tougher. I miss my friends. High school friends, MODEsociety, The Retarded Domingo and my classmates. Everyone has changed. I miss the old them. Now, they made me feel like i'm invisible, i'm no one to them and i'm the last choice. My mood is a roller-coaster ride now. Sometimes i feel welcome and happy and sometimes i feel hated and annoyed. I think i should stop now or else..
Monday, March 8, 2010
anak mak pandai complain dengan exec suda :)
Last Friday, I went to Equatorial Hotel Penang to meet the manager for a short interview. The interview is for my assignment, so walked towards the front desk and asked for the manager. He said that he's not free now and told me to come abs meet him the next day at 9pm.
The next day, I arrived EQ with my friend Naqi at 9pm sharp and straight to the front desk and asked for the manager since he had said to come and meet him at that time, and he's not there. What?? I wore formal attire just to meet him and he's not there?
Now, I'll doubt if they say that they are professional. They themselves did not turn up for an appointment and they would like to call themselves a professional. Deeiii tambi get back to diploma and learn everything all over again la dude.
They wasted my time, money, energy and also petrol. Then I got back home and went to EQ's website and made a complain at the feedback column. The complain will go straight to the GM of that hotel. The next day, I got a call from the GM herself. I explained what happened and She apologized :) wiihhuuu..
Luckily I had a back-up plan which is to interview a cousin of my friend who works as a Assistant Superintendent in Petronas Dagangan Berhad in Port Klang. So I called him and interviewed him through the phone. Now, I had completed my assignment and I'm happy. I can't describe how much I love doing Individual assignments. No pressure and I'll do it whenever I want :)
p/s : u have to have a back-up plans in whatever u do cause who knows that the first plan might not be a success. Fro
what I have learnt in Fundamental of Management class, contingency planning. :) wow I do feel like a professional now.
The next day, I arrived EQ with my friend Naqi at 9pm sharp and straight to the front desk and asked for the manager since he had said to come and meet him at that time, and he's not there. What?? I wore formal attire just to meet him and he's not there?
Now, I'll doubt if they say that they are professional. They themselves did not turn up for an appointment and they would like to call themselves a professional. Deeiii tambi get back to diploma and learn everything all over again la dude.
They wasted my time, money, energy and also petrol. Then I got back home and went to EQ's website and made a complain at the feedback column. The complain will go straight to the GM of that hotel. The next day, I got a call from the GM herself. I explained what happened and She apologized :) wiihhuuu..
Luckily I had a back-up plan which is to interview a cousin of my friend who works as a Assistant Superintendent in Petronas Dagangan Berhad in Port Klang. So I called him and interviewed him through the phone. Now, I had completed my assignment and I'm happy. I can't describe how much I love doing Individual assignments. No pressure and I'll do it whenever I want :)
p/s : u have to have a back-up plans in whatever u do cause who knows that the first plan might not be a success. Fro
what I have learnt in Fundamental of Management class, contingency planning. :) wow I do feel like a professional now.
I sigh till I can't sigh no more
Sleepy. Did my assignment and now i'm sleepy like shit. I need to sleep. I feel so depressed now. I feel like going to some other college but what my mom had said "face ur challenges, don't look back and try as hard as u could to try to focus on studies and ignore all the things that distracts u". Now all i'm trying to do is to talk to my parents to agree with me on me staying at home and travel back and forth to campus. I'm talking crap now. I'm not myself now, i'm lame now and i don't talk much unless it needs me to do so. I'm out now, see u in the next post. See u till then :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Speech from the heart
Pressure. Frustrated. Annoyed. All that we had planned is not appreciated and people take it light cause plan would just be a plan not a confirmed one. They don't think about the ones that had put so much effort in this trip. Called here and there, used my credit to call here and there and all for nothing. One said that he's not going cause he has an assignment to do, one said that he's just not going. Then another 2said that they're not going cause another friend is not going. So basically everyone is not going. Now I can see that they did shit to me. Why people most of the time do that to me?
Then when the plan is officially cancelled, when I was sleeping I heard one of them talked about going to HotFM BigJam. So I was "what the hell" in my mind. The one that has been planned they're not going but they're planning on going to do something else. *shit* then the one that said that he has to do his assignment is also going to the HotFM thinggie. I was like OMG how can they do this to me after all that I've done.
Now all I'm thinking is that why people can do shit things to me? Now, people do shit to me I'm gonna do shit as well. I'm up to that level where I feel like yelling but fortunately, I don't have the heart to do so cause I love my friends and i'll feel bad if I do that.
Eat the hell?? I said I want to do shit if people do shit to me, and now I feel sorry for them?? Ok from now on u guys do all the planning. I'm not gonna plan anymore outings or trips. I don't want to be the leader anymore if my work is not appreciated. I've been keeping this for so long and now I'm letting it out thru blog posts but if I really feel that I need to speak out then that's what I'll do.
p/s : hope blog now tak lari topic. Macam lari topic ja. Macam everything is in this blog. And I know this blog is a bit confusing cause I don't mention the names.
Then when the plan is officially cancelled, when I was sleeping I heard one of them talked about going to HotFM BigJam. So I was "what the hell" in my mind. The one that has been planned they're not going but they're planning on going to do something else. *shit* then the one that said that he has to do his assignment is also going to the HotFM thinggie. I was like OMG how can they do this to me after all that I've done.
Now all I'm thinking is that why people can do shit things to me? Now, people do shit to me I'm gonna do shit as well. I'm up to that level where I feel like yelling but fortunately, I don't have the heart to do so cause I love my friends and i'll feel bad if I do that.
Eat the hell?? I said I want to do shit if people do shit to me, and now I feel sorry for them?? Ok from now on u guys do all the planning. I'm not gonna plan anymore outings or trips. I don't want to be the leader anymore if my work is not appreciated. I've been keeping this for so long and now I'm letting it out thru blog posts but if I really feel that I need to speak out then that's what I'll do.
p/s : hope blog now tak lari topic. Macam lari topic ja. Macam everything is in this blog. And I know this blog is a bit confusing cause I don't mention the names.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Handed in 2 assignments today. I'm happy like a 5y/o.. Now me and my friends ate discussing about our plans for this weekend. We're thinking of renting a car or shall I say a mini van that can fit 10 of us.
We have planned out a few plans but not sure which one will be the one. It either go to Pulau Aman, enjoy the environment and eat the mee udang there or Taman Negara Teluk Bahang. But most probably it'd be Taman Negara, because all of us want to go for something adventurous this time. So now we have to make a few phone calls to the Car Rental offices.. Wish us luck :)
We have planned out a few plans but not sure which one will be the one. It either go to Pulau Aman, enjoy the environment and eat the mee udang there or Taman Negara Teluk Bahang. But most probably it'd be Taman Negara, because all of us want to go for something adventurous this time. So now we have to make a few phone calls to the Car Rental offices.. Wish us luck :)
Rough Day :(
I'm done with my assignment!! Yeay but there's more, at least 2 done and 3 to go :) trying to be positive here.. Let me tell u something, we printed the hard-copy but we forgot to include our view(POI, literature review) in the assignment. So Juf came out with an idea which is just print out just our POI and paste it in the assignment.
Even though it does not look good or pro, well at least our job here is done. Then now they're off to the printing store which opens till 3am to print just the copy of our review.
Now that they had gone off, I got to thinking that we have to do a soft-copy as well. So now the problem is for us to find an empty CD. *sigh*. Need to get everything done a.s.a.p. So the moral of this post is, don't do your assignment at the 11th hour and u must work as a team and don't let a team member down. Motivate each other for better results in future.
Hope things will get better in future and how we organize and distribute our tasks among team member.
p/s : thanks mak and alida for helping me and thanks for the advice. Thanks to my dad for being alert of my emotion situation on Twitter and facebook. Greatful to have parents who are computer literate :)
Even though it does not look good or pro, well at least our job here is done. Then now they're off to the printing store which opens till 3am to print just the copy of our review.
Now that they had gone off, I got to thinking that we have to do a soft-copy as well. So now the problem is for us to find an empty CD. *sigh*. Need to get everything done a.s.a.p. So the moral of this post is, don't do your assignment at the 11th hour and u must work as a team and don't let a team member down. Motivate each other for better results in future.
Hope things will get better in future and how we organize and distribute our tasks among team member.
p/s : thanks mak and alida for helping me and thanks for the advice. Thanks to my dad for being alert of my emotion situation on Twitter and facebook. Greatful to have parents who are computer literate :)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Espuento Laparteo
Nak balik tapi assignment tak siap lagi. I'll try to finish it then pack my things and go back home. Nak travel back and forth. Pressure macam nie bole affect friendship between us housemates. So since my house is nearby, why not I just stay at for for a few days until things are getting better.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Size S
Wow I went jogging just now and it's refreshing. Ok from now on, I'm going jogging insyaAllah 5times per week. This is to prepare myself mentally and physically for 2010 Penang Bridge Run. My maksu had been asking me to join her for the past 2years and now I'm trying my hardest to join the run. I want to keep myself fit and hot. :) I want to lose 8kgs like my friend Aiman did. I want to be able to wear a size S tees and shirts. This post is to motivate myself to achive my goals which is to be slim,fit and hot.. Gambateh!!!
Lovely Saturday :)
Woke up at around 10am.. Update my Twitter and facebook. Did my laundry since the whether is windy and sunny. While waiting for the machine to stop spinning, cleaned the house a little bit, and when the machine stops, hang it under the sun. Went out with my homies to 'tapau' our lunch. Done eating, again to my iPod to update my Twitter,facebook and now blogging :) later I'm doing my assignment but by bit then before sun down, I'm going for a jog around my neighbourhood.. What a day full with beneficial things :)
Movie Day
Us the homies went for a movie today. Niyang Rapik. No good. Done one assignment and now continue doing another assignment. Me myself not sure how many more assignments have to be completed. I'm blogging using my iPod and that's why it easy for me to blog anytime cause I don't have to waste my time switching my laptop on and log in to my blogspot account. So now I'm done with blogging and off to my assignment. Sheesshhh how I hate assignments. :(
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Going :($&@@;;&({^£?
Penang is even hotter than before.. My house is like an oven during the day and sometimes during night time. Burning of fat is occured everyday :)
This week can be considered as among the busiest week I've ever had in my 18years 7months of my life.. Assignments have to be completed in short amount of time and to add some spices to the curry, tests is coming and final exam is just around the corner. I don't know whether I should be happy? honoured having this kind of life? rush here and there? relax and calm myself or what? Mixed emotions here.. Sigh!!
Now I'm working on an assignment and it's hard as a solid rock. Hmmm trying to adapt with my busy schedule and note, it's not easy doing that :(
P/s : aaarrrrgggghhh *screaming my lungs out* I hate busy life but sometimes I get used to it and love being busy rather than sit back and doing nothing, except for when I'm at home(family) or semester break :)
This week can be considered as among the busiest week I've ever had in my 18years 7months of my life.. Assignments have to be completed in short amount of time and to add some spices to the curry, tests is coming and final exam is just around the corner. I don't know whether I should be happy? honoured having this kind of life? rush here and there? relax and calm myself or what? Mixed emotions here.. Sigh!!
Now I'm working on an assignment and it's hard as a solid rock. Hmmm trying to adapt with my busy schedule and note, it's not easy doing that :(
P/s : aaarrrrgggghhh *screaming my lungs out* I hate busy life but sometimes I get used to it and love being busy rather than sit back and doing nothing, except for when I'm at home(family) or semester break :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
FAT break!!
When holiday starts, that's when I get fat :( I can really indulge and enjoy my food.. Great appetite huh? Now I'm gaining weight like hell and I need to lose it a.s.a.p. Jogging and playing badminton with my friends after the break is over :) yeayyy!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Spring Roll morning :)
Semalam nampak kulit popia kat dalam fridge, then aku tros kata kat mak aku suro beli carrot n sengkuang.. Bangun tadi pagi tros masok dapor buat spring roll. Yeayy jadi tapi dapat sikit ja. Sorry tak dapat post gambar spring roll aku sbb tak snappy snap snap. Tapi memang sedap. Acecece pujo diri sendiri woo. Sapa lagi nak pujo kalo bukan diri sendiri. Hehe so that's all for now :)
When I'm home I expect to sleep in my room alone, but somehow there's a friend that has been staying here long enough shifted to my room from my brother's. FYI, this friend is a friend of brother. I'm getting annoyed from time to time but trying my hardest to ignore the annoying-ness. He had made my room into so called 3in1 bedroom.
1) a room to sleep
2) an entertainment room where he watches movies from his lappie
3) DINING room. ???
He took whole pack of bread and a bottle of peanut butter spread w butter knife and also a bottle of water. Now as I'am trying to sleep, he went down to the real dining room and took a plate of rice with all the 'lauk' my mum had cooked earlier up to my room and eat it while watching movie. Food in someone else's room? Where's u're manner dude.
Dah la menumpang bilik orang, kalau 3-4 hari nak buat macam bilik sendiri takpa la jugak, nie sampai bebulan? Common u should know better and plus, u rented a house with ur friends. Go and stay with them. If u have problems with them, work it out like a mature adult, don't just run away from it.
1) a room to sleep
2) an entertainment room where he watches movies from his lappie
3) DINING room. ???
He took whole pack of bread and a bottle of peanut butter spread w butter knife and also a bottle of water. Now as I'am trying to sleep, he went down to the real dining room and took a plate of rice with all the 'lauk' my mum had cooked earlier up to my room and eat it while watching movie. Food in someone else's room? Where's u're manner dude.
Dah la menumpang bilik orang, kalau 3-4 hari nak buat macam bilik sendiri takpa la jugak, nie sampai bebulan? Common u should know better and plus, u rented a house with ur friends. Go and stay with them. If u have problems with them, work it out like a mature adult, don't just run away from it.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Semester Break Plans
What can i do for this semester break?
Valentine's day? I have no one to go out for dinner with.
i spent my Valentine going to kenduri with my family.
My family is my lover.
Love them to death.
So this semester break only a few appointments have been confirmed.
Monday - Pasembor with my cousins.
Wednesday - Either going out with Iqbal or ModeSociety for shoot.
the next weekend would be dinner with my family.
That's all for now..
You people have any plans for this semester break that u'd like to share??
Till the next post
Tata for now XOXO
- TTYL -
Friday, February 12, 2010
Semester Break!!
Semester break for a week!! Yeayyy!! Packing now and will be leaving for Penang Central at 9.30pm. My housemates has gone back except for me and Harith. Even though my house is not far from my college, I remain at the house accompanying Harith. What friends are for. Tired and continue packing after this. Bye ang Happy CNY!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Miss Blogging =(
It's been a loooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnngggggg time since i posted my last post.
Been really busy with coursework and such.
I just started my new semester a few weeks ago and it has been a really hectic early-of-semester.
i just moved in to a rented house near to my campus. It's a five-minutes drive from my house to campus. Every morning my housemates and i took uitm's bus to campus.
The reason why i don't update or online these few weeks is because we don't have internet connection at our house and i think we'll be installing internet connection soon.
Currently,I'm at McD Jusco Perda with my classmates hanging out. Here are few pictures of us hanging out =)
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